Inspiration is everywhere!

Let’s have a chat with a creative artist and see how she thrives on success! Get ready to be submerged in the story of Anne and find out how she keeps the ideas flowing to create the most magical pieces of art.

Mrs. Annie Mation what’s the source of your inspiration in daily life?

‘As a visual artist I get inspired by everything that can be considered an “image”. I’m active in the movie industry, so a lot of my inspiration comes from movies or shows that make my heart skip a beat. Sometimes that’s a character, the atmosphere, their clothes, the storyline or the use of colors.

Other artists can inspire me massively as well. I have a library of artbooks from my favorite artists. I’m actually a bit of an “asocial follower” on Instagram, because when I scroll my feed, I actually just want to see a bunch of great art and inspiring people.
That boosts my motivation to start creating myself! That’s why I aspire to get those inspiring images on my feed as much as possible, with the exception of the cute faces from my dearest family and friends, which I can just about tolerate. 😛

I love going out for a huge walk with my favorite music in my ears. The colors of my surroundings can inspire me, like the trees in Indian summer or a sunset, but also the lyrics from my music can get my mojo started.

So in other words, inspiration really is everywhere!’